PNL, Target, Liquidation Calculator
0 (0%)
How to Use
- Enter the information for each transaction value.
- The required input values will vary depending on the result.
- Profit and return rate: entry price, exit price, quantity.
- Target price: entry price, target profit rate.
- Liquidation price: entry price, quantity, available margin.
PNL Explanation
PNL stands for Profit and Loss. It helps you track the performance of your trade based on your entry and exit prices.
Target Price Explanation
Target Price is the price at which you plan to exit your position to achieve your desired return.
Liquidation Price Explanation
Liquidation Price is the price at which your position will be automatically closed to prevent further losses.
How to discount trading fee
Trading fees can significantly impact your overall profits, especially for frequent traders. Watch some ways to discount trading fees.